Size: (5241) cm

$ 193



THE WHEEL OF LIFE The Wheel of life detailed representation of basic Buddhist belief i.e. the transmigratory existence. It explains in a most lucid manner the theory of rebirth. The form in which a being is reborn into the Universe depends upon his yearlings; prayers and the amount of merit and demerit (karma) he has stored up in his past life. This suffering of rebirth affects the whole living universe. The wheel is held in the embrace of Shenje; ruler of the dead; shoeing that all beings must eventually meet Death. Shenje; who is again represented in the sphere of Hell is a ferocious god with fangs. He is said to symbolize the fearfulness of death and the hideousness of clinging to life. Outside the wheel is a figure of the Lord Buddha; who is free from the moral and mental obstructions which can prevent all living beings from achieving Enlightenment. His presence outside the wheel implies his escape from the cycle of life. The wheel is divided into three parts: axle; spokes and rim. The Axle: The first Noble Truth in Buddhist belief holds that "Suffering exists". The purpose of Mahayana Buddhist teachings is to relieve all living beings from suffering. To achieve this end; we must be aware of the three evils; which cause our sufferings i.e. ; Ignorance; Lust and Hatred. These three great vices; which rule the Universe and keep it in continuous revolution; are symbolized by the Pig (ignorance); the Cock (Lust) and the snake (hatred) by abstaining from these three vices; we may further our progress on the path to Nirvana. The outer axle shows the manifestation of a white bright heaven and a dark black hell. The Spokes: The spokes of the wheel divide out Universe into six sensual realms : Gods Demigods or Titan/Human beings; Animals Yidags or Ghosts; and Hells; Meritorious Karma causes being to take rebirth in the realms or gods demigods and men; De meritorious Karmas causes rebirth in the lower realms of animals yidags and hells. Nevertheless; the beings of the six realms cannot escape the suffering of the Universe; In each of the reams; Suffering exists. Also in each realms; The compassion of Lord Buddha is all pervading. This compassion; rising from every direction; helps all beings towards the path to enlightenment and release from the suffering of the Universe.

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka