21 Tara Thangka painting is a collection of sacred artworks that depict the 21 forms of Tara (a revered female deity in Tibetan Buddhism). The 21 Tara depicted in the traditional 21 Tara thangka painting are:
- Noble Lady Tara Nyurma Pamo
- Noble Lady Tara Sonam Tobche
- Noble Lady Tara Wangdu Rigje Lhamo
- Noble Lady Tara Jigje Chenmo
- Noble Lady Tara Zhengyi Mithubma
- Noble Lady Tara Zhengyi Migyalma
- Noble Lady Tara Sengdeng Nagchi
- Noble Lady Tara Jigten Sumle Gyalma
- Noble Lady Tara Phagma Norter Drolma
- Noble Lady Tara Tashi Donje
- Noble Lady Tara Yulle Gyalma
- Noble Lady Tara Thronyer Chen
- Noble Lady Tara Rabzhima
- Noble Lady Tara Rigngag Tobjom
- Noble Lady Tara Pagme Nonma
- Noble Lady Tara Maja Chenmo
- Noble Lady Tara Dugkarmo
- Noble Lady Tara Rito Loma Jonma
- Noble Lady Tara Lhamo Ozer Chenma
Each of the 21 Tara represents a specific aspect of enlightened compassion and wisdom, and they are revered for their ability to protect beings from various obstacles and fears. The Tara forms are depicted in individual paintings within the 21 Tara Thangka collection, each highlighting the unique attributes and symbolism of a particular Tara manifestation.
The 21 Tara forms are depicted with exquisite detail and vibrant colors, capturing the grace, beauty, and divine qualities of each Tara in the 21 tara painting. Thangka artist skillfully and traditionally portrays the distinctive features, mudras (hand gestures), and symbolic attributes of each Tara form. These include various poses, expressions, and elements such as lotus flowers, swords, bows, arrows, and other symbolic objects. Each Tara form within the 21 Tara Thangka collection carries its own significance and purpose.
For example, in thangka Green Tara embodies swift compassion and is associated with protection and liberation from fears. White Tara represents long life, healing, and compassion. Yellow Tara is associated with wealth and prosperity, while Red Tara symbolizes power and magnetism. Each Tara form offers blessings and support for specific aspects of life and spiritual practice.