Namgyalma is a deity for long life and purification. She refers to one of the emanations of Vairocana, as mentioned in the 5th-century Sadhanamala. Her color is white; there faced, three-eyed, youthful, and decked in many ornaments. Her right and left faces are respectively yellow and blue in color. Her four right hands display the Visvavajra. Buddha on a lotus, the arrow and varada pose, and her four left hands show the bow, the noose with tarhana, the Abhaya pose, and the well-filled water vessel. She resides in the womb of the Caitya and bears the image of Vairocana on the crown. Thus, meditating. If one recites Namgyalma’s mantra twenty-one times, then blows on yellow mustard seeds and throws them on the bones of the sentient being who has accumulated much negative Karma and has died, even if that sentient being has been reborn. As a hell being, a preta, an animal, in the world of Yama, or in other evil transmigratory realms, because of the power of the mantra he will be liberated from those unfortunate realms.