Size: (6143) cm

$ 213

Currently Unavailable


VAJRAPANI-BODHISATTVA OF POWER Vajrapani is the bodhisattva of power, one of the three main protective deities surrounding the Buddha, and is often represented in conjunction with the other two: Avalokiteshvara (compassion) and Manjushree (wisdom). Vajrapani usually depicted as a wrathful Dharmapala. He wears a crown and a tiger skin, and has a lasso in his left hand with which he captures and ties the adversaries of Buddhism, in his right hand carries the Vajra (Tibetan :Dorje). His figure is surrounded by flames. (Mantra: OM VAJRAPANI HUM)
Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka