Size: (5757) cm

$ 149



A Cosmos Mandala Thangka painting is a magnificent and intricate artwork that encapsulates the vastness and interconnectedness of the cosmos within the framework of a traditional Thangka painting. Thangkas are sacred Tibetan Buddhist paintings known for their rich symbolism and spiritual significance. In a Cosmos Mandala Thangka painting, the artist skillfully portrays the cosmos, including celestial bodies, divine beings, and intricate geometric patterns, within a circular or square composition. The painting typically depicts a central deity or spiritual figure surrounded by concentric circles or squares that represent different realms or dimensions. The cosmos represented in the painting reflects the Buddhist cosmology, which describes various planes of existence and the interplay between them. It encompasses realms such as the human world, heavenly realms, hellish realms, and other states of existence. Each realm is depicted with its distinct symbols, colors, and beings, representing the diverse nature of existence and the potential for spiritual evolution. The central deity or spiritual figure in the Cosmos Mandala Thangka is often a buddha, bodhisattva, or a deity from the Buddhist pantheon. These figures embody enlightened qualities and serve as sources of inspiration and guidance for spiritual practitioners. They are depicted in radiant forms, adorned with elaborate garments and ornaments, and surrounded by a halo of divine light.

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka