Size: (2626) cm

$ 165



UNIVERSAL MANDALA Mandalas are considered an integral part of the Tantric Buddhism for their colorful complexity; the sacred Tibetan structures with a profoundly symbolic value. Mandala refers to the almighty palace of the deities where they reside in completely organizedand specific pattern. Mandala possesses a Tibetan meaning as dkayil 'khor. Here; dkayil means 'center' and khor means 'circumference' and hence; it signifies the complete configuration of the gods which are well represented by the Mandala. The graphical interpretation of the Mandala depicts that it is basically divided in to four quadrants of equal size; which are focused about the sacred center. Moreover; it comprises of the circles and squares with the same center.

An alternative interpretation of the Mandala reveals that all the disseminated and isolated ideologies get converged at the main center point along with an acquisition of the essence of the truth and enlightenment. In addition; the mandala is viewed as the overall representation of the entire universe with an inclusion of this world and its constituents.

MANDALA INSIGHT: Meri khorlo; meaning 'Fire Mountain: - the outer periphery of the Mandala- consists of a wall of fire which is basically found in five different colors namely white; yellow; blue; red and green. These colors are the symbolic representation of the five bodies of the five Dhayani Buddhas (the meditating Buddhas) which possess the respective significance of their own. This five barrier holds a significant responsibility to avoid the entry of the variant evil hostile forces into the Mandala. The next barrier is known as the 'Vajra Net' or more precisely; the 'Vajra Shield' which covers all the sides as well as the complete inner Mandala. The floor of the Mandala is set up with the composition of all the protecting Vajras. The Shield is believed to be powerful enough to make even the penetration the penetration of the wind into the Mandala impossible.

The enraged deities of the Mandalas accommodate eight great cemetery barriers; each containing a large central tree. Eight pure Dakinis are the occupants of these trees. Along with the tree; the cemeteries possess eight great Stupas; beside which eight protectors accompany. On the eighter side of the Stupas the eight great forests resided presided over by the eight great Saints can be found out. Further more; there are eight large lakes with eight great Nagas; eight big mountains; eight hermits; and eight great clouds upon which sit eight offering Goddesses. Eventually; there are eight great corpses; eight big fires; and eight flesh-eaters; 'phra men ma. A river flows is between each of these of these cemeteries.

Two of the greatest and important painted Mandalas in The Tibetan Buddhism are Nyingmapa Mandala of eight doctrines (ka gyet Dhe sheg Dhue pi Chikhor) and Vajrakila Mandala-Thunder Razor (phurpa dyailkhor Nam Chag purdi). Both the Mandalas are distinguished via their own distinct and characteristic features. A deep analysis of these Mandalas helps up figure out the differentiation between them ranging from their outline to the assembly of the deities inside squares and other distinctive constitution.

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka