Size: (5740) cm

$ 218



A "rainbow guru" thangka painting typically depicts a spiritual teacher or guru surrounded by a vibrant spectrum of colors, symbolizing their embodiment of diverse wisdom, compassion, and spiritual qualities. Thangka paintings are traditional Tibetan Buddhist artworks that serve as visual aids for meditation and contemplation. In a "rainbow guru" thangka, the central figure, representing the guru, is often depicted in a meditative posture, radiating an aura of serenity and wisdom. The guru's enlightened presence is depicted with intricate details and symbolic elements such as mudras (hand gestures), ornaments, and attributes specific to the figure. The rainbow hues that surround the guru in the thangka represent the harmonious integration of various spiritual qualities and teachings. Each color holds its own significance, representing different aspects of spiritual transformation and awakening.These thangka paintings are not only aesthetically beautiful but also serve as visual representations of the guru's enlightened qualities and as reminders of the path to liberation. They are often used as objects of devotion and as focal points for meditation, allowing practitioners to connect with the teachings and blessings of the "rainbow guru."

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka

Boudha Stupa Thanka